Friday, November 21, 2014

ASSIGNMENT # 4 Spoken Word Poetry

Your task is to watch and listen to a number of spoken word poets. Pick three that you like and write a short paragraph about each. Consider Shayne Koyczan, Taylor Mali, Beau Sia, Def Poetry. you can also just search spoken word poetry or slam poetry.

 Include the following:

* Poet and title
* Include at least one (quote) direct reference integrated smoothly into your sentence.
* Summarize what the poem is describing.
* Comment on one aspect of the poem that stands out. It could be the poets use of mood, similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration... use your terminology sheet.
* Discuss the theme.
* What is it you like about the poem?

See the example below.

Instructions for a Bad Day

Shane Koyczan in his poem "Instructions for a Bad Day" reveals a theme of optimism and persistence. Bad days are inevitable. Even when a person feels as if they're trapped in the dark, "the sun and the moon are still there and there is always light". The poem speaks of better tomorrows and although "every nightmare has a beginning, every bad day has an end". He speaks of pain and suffering and how those feelings are valid but will not last. Shane has an understanding of humanity that stands out particularly in this poem. He has been through rough times, as has everyone, but the way he describes them is what makes this poem truly outstanding. The mood is happy and optimistic and the cheerful feel of this poem is what I like best. If all people took advice from Shane and his poetry, the world would likely be a much happier place.

Monday, November 3, 2014

ASSIGNMENT # 3 Writing Dialogue

ASSIGNMENT # 3 Writing Dialogue
In this blog assignment you will practice writing dialogue, conversation. It's important to be aware of a few basic rules. Whenever you have a new speaker, make sure you indent 5 spaces. There are 4 ways to introduce dialogue.

1.  Mr. Van Camp exclaimed, "Writing dialogue is fun!"

2. "Writing dialogue is fun," stated Mr. Van Camp

3. "Writing dialogue," remarked Mr. Van Camp, "is fun."

4. "Writing dialogue is fun."

Note that sometimes, as in example 4, you do not need to indicate who said something because you have shown that it is the other speaker by indenting.

Finish the conversation below. The dialogue should be interactive rather than just a long story on your part. Use each of the above methods at least twice. Take note that I have NOT used the word "said" in my example. I want you to choose words that more precisely convey the manner in which each character is speaking. Make certain that your punctuation is precise.

Homework Blues

       As I shuffled into the classroom, I knew that Mr. Van Camp would never believe me. I looked at my scuffed shoes and mumbled, " My homework is not done, Sir. I do have a good excuse though."

       " This is not the first time your homework has not been completed. Perhaps," Mr. Van Camp suggested, "it's time to speak with your parents."

       "Please, you have no idea what will happen to me if you phone my home," I moaned. It looked as if he was going to fall for my story.

      "Well, let's hear your excuse. It better be good."

Friday, October 17, 2014


The short story "Bluffing" describes a grizzly attack in Jasper National Park. One of the main characters, Liam, claims that he ran away from the bear so that it would follow him and therefore he would save the life of his girlfriend, Gabriella.

 Is he telling the truth? This requires a close reading of the story and the ability to support your contention with specific examples.

Write a paragraph that supports your opinion of Liam's statement. Is he a coward or a hero? Your paragraph should include the following:

*Write in third person.
*Use present tense.
*Consider a dynamic introduction - question, quote, statement.
*Mention the title and author in your brief plot summary.
*Make sure you have a clear topic sentence. (Is he truthful or not?)
*Provide three reasons to support your opinion, include a direct reference (quote) for each.
*Finish with some punch - make sure your conclusion is creative.

*Double space.

*Hit the orange "Publish" tab when you are finished.

*Print a copy and submit it at the end of the period.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Let's get writing! BLOG ASSIGNMENT # 1

Let's get writing. Most of you are capable of much more than you showed on your first assignment. This is an easy assignment if you only want a mediocre mark. This is challenging if you want a 5 or a 6. You can do it!

Write a paragraph that describes the character shown below.
*Give your article an interesting title
*Include a dynamic introduction that lets the reader know what you will be describing.
*Use a logical order – top to bottom or vice versa.
*Include at least one simile and one metaphor.
*Vary your sentence beginnings and your sentence length.
*You may imagine and include details not shown in the picture such as her surroundings.
*Pay attention to your diction – choose interesting words.
*Make sure you have at least 150 words.
* Proofread carefully for mechanical errors.