Friday, January 29, 2010

Gr 11 ASSIGNMENT 1 User Profile

ASSIGNMENT # 1       Blogger User Profile

Your objective this period is to set up your blog. After you have linked to my blog and I have linked to yours, write your user profile.

What is your background? What are your interests or accomplishments Which are your favorite films, books, television programs? What are your future plans? What are your values? Who are your heroes?
Your profile must be at least 150 words. Include at least one simile (a comparison using like or as) and at least one metaphor (a direct comparison). Write this in third person as if you are writing about someone else. Consider this an entertaining magazine article, not a job application form!

Be brave, be bold, be brilliant, but don't be bashful or boring.

After you have completed your profile you can add pictures or videos to your blog. Check out some of the past students' examples!

Welcome to Blogging!

Blogs offer students a chance to easily read each others' ideas, as well as draw from internet resources. Many students prefer to write on a computer as it allows for more convenient editing and provides the option of using tools such as spellcheck, grammarcheck and thesaurus.
Please remember the following guidelines for blog use:
1. Everything you write on your blog must be considered PUBLIC. Do not include ANY information or opinions on your blog that you would not be comfortable with anyone else (in or outside the class) reading.
2. Please follow the proper expectations for writing in senior English. It is natural for students to become careless in their writing when working in an internet environment. Do not use Facebook or MSN abbreviations and style. Formal grammar, punctuation, and appropriate word choice must be used at all times.

You will be graded on your blogsite thoughout the year. Part of your mark will be based on having all assignments complete. Part of your mark will be based on your writing skills and the effort and detail that you have put into your work